Saturday 18 February 2012

Ok now this is really boring me.

I'm bored of being bored. Seriously. I think I'll put some pics here of cute animals. Here we go:

(I didn't eat any, promise!)
(Any chance of another cup of tea?)

Honestly I prefer dogs, so...

(Thanks for the lift)
(Santa Claws is coming to town...)
(This redefines the hotdog...)

How about some horses?

(Ok, so horses aren't that cute. They have to have a dog riding them to get on here.)

These are just various ones, enjoy!

(That teddy must be seriously small, wonder who made it...?)
(It's the duck we're looking at people!)
(Yes, it's a skunk, but it's cute. Just remember to hold your nose...)
(Who's up for a game?)
(ZOMG, aliens have arrived!)

Well that's all, coz I'm getting bored of this too. Bye!

Spraining something that you didn't actually sprain...

Ok, so here's the deal. My Mum, probably to p*ss me off took me to the hospital coz my wrist hurt when I lifted those-big-heavy-boards-which-must-weigh-at-least-10kg-or-somethin'-crazy-like-that. Sounds nice right? Wrong, she (yes the cat's mother) hoped that I'd get and injection. (for what?) I didn't. In my house, that's life. Even though when I sprained my ankle really badly like-ZOMG-I-can-hardly-walk-with-this-sh*t type badly, she wouldn't take me to the hospital. It still hurts, my hand, nothing. I'm typing with it as you can probably tell. 

The only good thing that came out of this is that I didn't have to unload or load the car, like I usually would when we do the market or as I like to call it the-highly-excruciating-way-to-knacker-your-daughter-while-not-doing-anything-yourself. And then she says I didn't do anything (just coz and went off for half an hour petting some puppies). Oh well that's life, by tomorrow I'll probably have sprained my other foot/leg/wrist/neck(gulp...)/etc...

Friday 14 October 2011


Have you ever bought the latest computer, iPad, mobile, etc; then in the next few days a new better, slimmer, cooler version of your super expensive device comes out? If you have then you'll know exactly what happens after it comes out. The previous version drops in price, apps, games or other programs need the newer version to work; so you get so p*ssed off that you throw the old one away (or sell it is you're not as wasteful) and buy the newer version. Then an even better one comes out and the process repeats again and again and again. 
Technological development tries to make life better, but all it does is make life more expensive, make us have less face-to-face contact with our friends and make us believe we couldn't live without technology. That's why developers develop more. 
Companies are always developing and improving their hardware and software for one sole reason: cash. When they enough of the first version they improve it and make the next and so on and so on. What iPhone are onto now? The iPhone5 almost 6? My Mom bought me an iPhone 3GS for Christmas in summer and already there're apps that won't go on it because I haven't got the right version, even though it's the latest iPhone3. Never will I buy the next iPhone though, because by the time I get used to the one I'm getting for Christmas the iPhone6 will be out.

Thursday 23 June 2011

Great Discoveries Require Great People To Discover Them

It´s moments like these that I need someone to love, oh how I wish I had someone special to help me through hard times, to share my feelings with. Someone unique that makes me in turn feel unique too, who would cherish me and hang themselves before betraying me. Someone who listens to every word I say, whether it means anything or not. Then I would be complete, but after dreaming, I remember that the world and all life on it, below it and above it, is my oyster, so I can be whoever I want and do whatever I please.
We are not too small for this great planet we call Earth, it too can be something, and it is. The world is too big for us, but not for long if we carry on growing as we are, destroying our life.
Sure we might live on every square inch on this planet, inhabit all continenes, work in every country, dream wherever we lay our head,build upon every livable land that we come across and claim it as our own. But what about the seas, the lakes, the oceans, even the rivers? Do we really know what wonders our oceans own, can we see into the depths of every lake around us to marvel at the creatures that inhabit them? What about rivers? Do we know how far they run under our feet, far past our many structures that take over the land, far past the concrete we have put down to walk on, far past the soil we destroy when we farm and poison the crops with fertilizes that damage the very ground our food grows in. We might call it our world but it is not. Our world includes whatever we wish, whenever we wish, what makes us happy, and above all, who makes our lives worth living even when we're at our worst and we think the world cannot possibly get any worse but neither can it ever be good again. 
How can we live in a world we know nothing about? My world is my bedroom, my home, the place I was born in with my family. And never forget friends, without friends everyone would be at war with everyone else, and no one wants that to happen to us. 

Wednesday 22 June 2011

OMG!!! :O Just realized this.

I never knew before just how many friends I actually have, I mean I know I have around 20; now I've realized that anyone who takes the time to talk to you almost everyday and who writes happy birthday for you on your comments must like you enough to do that. I know now that almost everyone in my class are my friends. Sure I'm not best friends with the whole class, nor am I even a close friend of some of my fellow students, but at least I know I have more friends than any girl could wish for. And that will do me! :D

 Never knowing who you are will cause you to remember that there are more people than just yourself...

I´ll never forget my previous life in my soul, and I´ll always remember my future in my heart. Never forget who you are, what makes you, and what you´ll become if you believe in yourself and in all those who help you.
