Friday, 14 October 2011


Have you ever bought the latest computer, iPad, mobile, etc; then in the next few days a new better, slimmer, cooler version of your super expensive device comes out? If you have then you'll know exactly what happens after it comes out. The previous version drops in price, apps, games or other programs need the newer version to work; so you get so p*ssed off that you throw the old one away (or sell it is you're not as wasteful) and buy the newer version. Then an even better one comes out and the process repeats again and again and again. 
Technological development tries to make life better, but all it does is make life more expensive, make us have less face-to-face contact with our friends and make us believe we couldn't live without technology. That's why developers develop more. 
Companies are always developing and improving their hardware and software for one sole reason: cash. When they enough of the first version they improve it and make the next and so on and so on. What iPhone are onto now? The iPhone5 almost 6? My Mom bought me an iPhone 3GS for Christmas in summer and already there're apps that won't go on it because I haven't got the right version, even though it's the latest iPhone3. Never will I buy the next iPhone though, because by the time I get used to the one I'm getting for Christmas the iPhone6 will be out.

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